Thursday, January 19, 2012

Drab to Fab

We see them every day. Lamps that are old, out dated, or just plain ugly. Most of the time they are merely thrown away or sold at the next yard sale. But I say theres life still left in them. Take this lamp for example. It was a dark wood and all around boring. The only decor it fit was a lake cabin. But with a little bit of help it has begun a new life.

A little paint go's a long way.. In this case I had originally planned to go with a white and blue two tone. The base was going to be blue, as well as the top section of the lamp, with the rest being white. The color scheme was chosen because of the rather unique world map lamp shade that it had.

I first taped off the lamps cord and bulb socket with painters tape. Then I spray painted the entire lamp white. After a drying time of about an hour, I taped off the sections to be painted blue. After applying Krylon True Blue, I allowed it time to dry and then removed the tape. Unfortunately, the tape pulled off some of the white paint in the process. I'm not sure if I just didn't wait long enough for the paint to dry originally (One hour), or if the paint just wasn't adhering well. I would have normally sanded the surface first, but since it was ruff wood I skipped that step. In any case, I decided to go ahead and paint the entire lamp blue, which turned out to be a good choice.

Though the shade wasn't my first choice, the new color makes it look a whole lot more interesting and decorative.

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